01 March 2010


Hey Everybody! How's it going?!

Things down here are going really well. We didn't get too shaken up by the earthquakes. In Salta it was Rather Strong, but up in Jujuy it was just an aftershock that I would doubt even reached 1.0 on the scale. It was one of those that you would feel in California and wonder if it really was an earthquake or if you were just imagining things :) haha. But yeah, everything is peaceful here. I’m sure some of the other missionaries felt it stronger though.

As for the stuff going on in Chile and all that I don't know a whole lot. I started thinking a bit about some college friends and roommates that are in Chile right now though. I also heard something about a tsunami or something like that that was headed towards Hawaii. But other than feeling the little quake, nothing has happened here. I hear Chile is out of communication though, like the cell towers and phone systems are down. That´s got to make things tough though. It really makes me feel blessed to have been born in a place that when things like that happen they aren’t nearly as grave because the people of the church are prepared at least and the country is in better conditions to handle the disasters. I think about all the hurricanes and tornadoes and that 7.0 quake in Gilroy a couple years ago and how nothing really happened. Pretty amazing!

So anyway, the stuff down here is going good. We have a baptism that is planned for this weekend right before the transfer that I hope goes through. The only thing that may stop it is that there was a little problem in church yesterday. We had specifically asked the bishop not to announce the baptism because the investigator wasn't 100% sure and asked us not to tell anyone yet, but the bishop went ahead and announced it anyway and then the guy looked at me and said something about how he had thought he told us not to say anything and then when he left church he seemed kind of annoyed, but we will see. Hopefully something like that won't stop him from making the decision. So we are working a lot with him. He is gone for the first part of this week because he has to go do some paperwork and some studies for his eyes so he can get closer to getting the operation that he needs. But we are praying hard for the baptism. Praying that he will gain that last little bit of testimony that he needs.

We have also found a couple cool new people. One is missing a leg because he got run over by a train about 7 years ago while he was taking the discussions from other missionaries. Another is a tricky one because he is a super good guy, but he committed a murder about 10 years ago. And then we have a family that is so-so. They are kind of flaky and the mom and dad fight a lot, but we are trying to help them. I used to think that the families that would get baptized were those who were already ready, but I have realized more and more that the families who get baptized are usually the ones that need the most help and may seem in the beginning some of the least likely people.

Transfers are this week. I think I am probably gone from here, but you never really can predict what is going through the mission president´s head.

I love you all.
Take Care and don't do anything I wouldn't do :)
Elder Jeff Rose

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